Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A New Start

The new year is right around the corner and resolutions are going to be set. I am so excited about mine that I think I am going to start right away and make it a way of life. I have been full of positivity lately and I just want to serve other people. I want to write down every day in my planner of something I did for someone else, whether they know me or not. For at least one day a week and maybe later it turns into a few days a week, but I want to write either thank you notes or uplifting cards for strangers. I hope this works! I pray with all my heart that I can touch at least one life a month and hopefully much more. I know this will not be easy, especially with school and work but I know I can do it! It is giving my life a new start and hopefully it is giving someone else the strength they need to make a new start as well. 
-I got my idea from the movie, "The Letter Writer".

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Cleanse!

So me and my dear mother decided to be crazy for a week and do a cleanse. It is called the GM Diet if anyone is interested after hearing about all of this. It goes for 7 days and you have to follow a very strict diet and drink A LOT of water (10 glasses) everyday. The process goes as follows:

Day 1: Only allowed to eat fruits! (No bananas though).
It was a good day at first since you can eat as many fruits as you would like, especially melons. By the end of the day I was starting to get sick of all the sweetness that came from the fruits. I was craving something crunchy and salty, like a cracker! On top of all of that, you have to force yourself to drink much more water then normal so the bathroom became my best friend every half hour.

Day 2: Only raw or cooked Vegetables! (You are allowed a potato for breakfast)
Lets just say I was glad to see this day come, and the potato for breakfast was so delicious! Today wasn't too bad since it wasn't all sweets and the vegetables could be cooked or raw. I got through the day just fine and came up with creative ways to cook up food. I decided to stop drinking water past 8 PM so I could actually get some sleep and not always be running to the bathroom.

Day 3: Fruits and Vegetables :) (No potatoes or bananas)
Today was not very bad since I could mix and match between fruits and vegetables, sweet and salty. I was pretty hungry today tho and went to bed early due to hunger. It was very hard to drink the required amount of water because it was starting to taste very blah, so I have lessened my amount of water intake then what is required.

Day 4: Bananas and Milk. Plus a special soup!
Today was okay, but I lost a sense of cravings today so I was doing okay. I woke up and blended the bananas and milk together with some ice and it was yummy! The soup was actually really good but that could also be the hunger speaking. The soup has no limit but you are only allowed 8 bananas and 3 glasses of milk. I did not reach 8 bananas but I got to my 3 glasses of milk. The soup was interesting to make since it was a bunch of random ingredients thrown together but heyy it was good.

Soup recipe: 28 oz, Water, 6 Large Onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 Head Cabbage, 1 Bunch Celery, 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavouring as desired.
Pour it all in and cook it! Unlimited eating and makes a lot of soup.

Day 5: Consume lean meat and tomatoes.
(2 10 oz. portions of meat and increase water up to 4 quarts)
This was the hardest day since meat and tomatoes aren't the yummiest by themselves. Hamburger is okay but lets just say I barely ate anything all day long and went to bed so very hungry.

Day 6: Beef and vegetables. (unlimited amounts of both)
This day was a lot better then the day before. I actually ate some food and got full. I was okay with that. I could definitely tell that I did not fit into any of my clothes anymore. I had lost weight and I liked it.

Day 7: Brown Rice, Fruit Juice, and Vegetables
This was by far my favorite day and I was so happy to be on the last day. :) The brown rice was very good especially with a little bit of salsa (which is veggies) mixed into it. I have never loved fruit juice as much as I did on this day . Good day for sure.

Over all I only lost 5 pounds but I could tell that it was for sure off and not just water weight which was the goal. I could tell my body felt better and I had more energy. I had gotten rid of all of the toxins in my body, or most of them, and I felt great. It was a hard process to go through but I really did enjoy it and after it was all over, I did not want any sweets at all. That was a great feeling! I got offered to go get ice cream and I felt like eating an apple instead. It was definitely good for me to go through and it taught me to eat a lot healthier. I would do this again for sure!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Life's Little Pleasures

Once all the bad times and the negative feelings get the chance to leave, everything seems so amazing! There is positive things all around you, we all just need to open our eyes and look for them. Happiness to me, is the key of life! Nothing will work out or be accomplished to the best of your ability if you have a negative attitude. I decided to change the way I look at things and it truly feels amazing. I have an amazing family, have the gospel in my life, have the opportunity to go to college and choose my own major, be surrounded by the people that I enjoy and love, have unlimited opportunities to do anything I choose, I'm even being more positive about my body and appearance. (as you know, for women, its a little bit more of a difficult thing to be okay with) But I am trying and doing the best I can to look for the positive influences in my life. I can say I wake up every morning and am happy, even if I only got a few hours of sleep, and I CHOOSE to have a great day! I CHOOSE to L.O.V.E this life I have!

What do you choose to do?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Life's Many Adventures!

So throughout the ups and downs, twists and turns that we have in life, we begin to realize more about ourself and those around us. With our high moments, its amazing to see how everyone just wants to be with you and is your best friend! They help you enjoy your accomplishments and the time when nothing can bring you down. As soon as life decides to throw one little twist your way, some of those people decide your not worth their time and leave while others stick to your side and keep encouraging you on. We begin to think that those people who stick around are our true friends and the closer you become. Life is not through with you yet and the surprises will come your way. Possibly could have more time being on top of the world or you could go down into the dumps. When you are at your very lowest is the time when those close to you are tested. Those who are the 100% real friends will stay by your side and all others will leave, even those who you thought were your true friends. It is always a harsh reality to see those close to you leave because of the trials that you face, which can make you feel even lower. Just pause, forget about the craziness around you, and just breathe for a minute. You soon begin to realize who means the most to you and how they have never left your side for even a fraction of a second.

I have had my own moment of realization and I see who I want to stay with me and who isn't worth my time. I feel dumb in saying this but the one person that I know that I can turn to and will always be there is my Mother! Deana Hafen Whatcott! She is a true gem! I couldn't ask for anyone better. She is always there to help me and speak words of wisdom. For those times that no words can be thought up to help, then she always gives tender loving care which is sometimes all that is needed to help get through the day. I love her hugs and seeing her smile. I may look like her but I want to strive everyday to be like her. She is a best friend that anyone could ask for and I appreciate all that she does for me. I love her with all my heart! Granted there are other people out there that are there for me that I love but my mother is just someone that I realized once again that she has never left my side!